
My Own Private Desert

Last year we had our field trip in Moab and Durango, and this year it’s in Joshua Tree. The wind feels like you are on a bus in a far off land, like India or Africa. Or maybe you got off and stood in the middle of it like in Algiers with the wind blowing on your face and your eyes closed in the silence and wind and desert. This desert, Joshua Tree, is special. You can let your brain relax and just be, or sing and dance with your friends. Here at camp there are many records, one by this guy Donavon. He lived a long time ago. Me and my friend Emilee danced to him and made up a new song about her dog J.J. She slow danced with a broom- it was so funny- and we played Jango. The councilors are making chicken for dinner. It has tarragon in it which is an herb that smells very pretty. Emilee says tarragon smells like our councilor Willow. She says she likes Willow because Willow respects her. I think Willow just smells like wood and flowers.

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