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Girl Trip Girls


    Taking Care of Yourself

    Oftentimes in these days of deadlines I forget I have a body. I mean, I am designing and thinking and channeling new designs, and creating patterns and doing my own sewing,…


    Hot Sauce

    I love it. I love it on everything. My mother says it ruins the flavor palette. For me, it is the flavor palette. My favorite flavor– hot. There are five kinds…


    Bowing Down to You

    Don’t expect me to bow down to you – I am not your ladyship bowing my way to your door. I am not a pliant adaptor to your rigid ideas. I…



    Sometimes getting my work done is hard. Sometimes a song flows out of me so easily– no– all the time it does. But getting to that point is what I’m talking…


    Strawberry Fields

    In Central Park there is a memorial. It’s called Imagine and is for a very special man named John. He lived a long time ago. And played a guitar. He sang…


    Summer Designs

    And at this memorial I met a boy. We only glanced at each other, but I felt he was contributing something beautiful to the world. His song was wispy but strong.…


    Peter Pan

    Peter Pan is about a boy who didn’t want to grow up. This always seems stupid to me. I can’t wait to grow up! Then I can go to Africa and…


    Central Park

    It’s the trees that capture you- cut out against light and sky. Yellow sky, blue sky, purple. The trees adorn it like lace.…


    Hazy Days

    In New York the colors are different; muted pinks and purples and grays- they carry the moisture and stillness and history of New York summers. There is a stayed quality, like…