My Old School

At my old school I was very little. Once we had a charity drive for the poorer kids and my mom donated a pair of my shoes. They were pink and purple suede. The next day, I saw them on this girl named Lizzie. She was nice and had blonde hair. “Those are my shoes,” I told her. “No they’re not,” said she. I showed her they had my name on the inside, and then no one said anything. I still feel horrible thinking of this moment. I was only 5 and in Kindergarten, but I still feel embarrassed. I wish I never said that. Everyone needs help sometimes, even grown-ups. It seems to me that no one gets through life without help from others- we’re all here as a team… At Wallflower’s house, we all had her birthday in the garden. In this garden, there was a daded red begonia, like the color of my mom’s lipstick after dinner. Among the faded red petals was a bee flying around in the sun and stems. I said a prayer to the bee in the orange-yellow sun, and asked him to find Lizzie, and tell her I’m sorry for saying what I said. I didn’t know better then but now I do for sure. No one is below anyone else. This is something Shakespeare understands, and why his characters go topsy-turvy.

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